A mobile app can allow a business to engage current customers, open new revenue streams, and gain new customers. DIY app builders help businesses with limited budgets, time, and coding expertise create mobile apps.
In the past, app development required hiring a development firm or bringing on additional staff to build the mobile app. Both of those options can be daunting to a small business owner. Development partners can be expensive and challenging to work with on a smaller budget. Meanwhile, staff onboarding for a singular function, like app development, has its own logistical challenges, even on a freelance or part-time basis.
Yet, the overwhelming majority of users prefer mobile apps to mobile sites – a 2014 Nielsen research study shows that 89% of consumer mobile media time is spent in mobile apps, while only 11% is spent in mobile web. Today, there is another solution for small businesses: do-it-yourself (DIY) app builder platforms. Typically, these services are web-based – requiring no software downloads – and easy to navigate, providing the step-by-step instructions needed for even the most basic computer user to develop and launch a mobile app. There are four main reasons a small business should consider using a DIY app builder platform. These solutions offer small businesses:
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